onsdag, september 19, 2007

Entreprenörer bygger civilsamhälle

The US authorities praised the rise of the private banking sector as one of the success stories of Iraq.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Och med all respekt för att resten av
hela Irak-krigsföretaget är en jävla soppa, och att kriget överhuvudtaget aldrig borde inletts: vad är det för fel på att åtminstone det privata bankväsendet funkat i Irak? Det är alltså en ärligt menad fråga.


Ali Esbati sa...

Just nu verkar l�nken vara d�d. Men artiklen handlar allts� om att det som hyllades som framg�ng egentligen blivit en soppa:

Iraq holds the world record for both the first and second highest amounts taken in the history of bank robberies. Top of the league is the estimated $800m removed from the Central Bank by Saddam Hussein's son, Qusay, in the dying days of the regime as US tanks were rolling into Baghdad.

In second position is the heist, just two months ago, at the Dar al-Salam Bank at Sadoun Street in central Baghdad when three guards turned on their employers and left with $282m.

Other banks hit recently has been the al-Rafidian which lost $1.2m; the Industry Bank, which had $784,000 taken; Iraqi Trade Bank, $1.8m ; the Bank of Baghdad, $ 1.6m; al-Warka Bank, $750,000; The Middle East Investment Bank, $1.32m... the list goes on.

Four years after "liberation" and the coming of the free market, Iraq is almost entirely a cash economy with a mushrooming group of private banks and vast sums of money being moved daily across the country.

The US authorities praised the rise of the private banking sector as one of the success stories of Iraq.

But the upsurge in robberies has meant that some branches have been unable to pay customers because of lack of cash.