* Håkan A. Bengtsson i Dagens Arena om det senaste steget i den reaktionära nedmonteringen av svensk välfärd och överföringen av samhälleliga resurser till privatkapitalet; avregleringen av Apoteket. Rea! Kom och Köp!
* Joseph Algazy och Dominique Vidal i Le Monde Diplomatique om den ”nya” israeliska högern, och situationen för araber i Israel.
In reality, mobilisation against this “fifth column” – the current expression – began long ago in hearts and minds, both within Israel’s institutions and at the grassroots.Läs hela: Hostage to Israel’s far right.
Take normalisation of racist talk, like that in 2004 by Yehiel Hazan, the former deputy leader of Likud, comparing Israeli Arabs to “worms” who have worked in a “subterranean” way to “harm the Jewish people for 100 years” (8). Another Likud contender for the Guinness Book of Arabophobia, Moshe Feiglin, has opined: “You can’t teach a monkey to speak and you can’t teach an Arab to be democratic. You’re dealing with a culture of thieves and robbers. Muhammad, their prophet, was a robber, a killer and a liar” (9).
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