tisdag, oktober 11, 2005


"Bush varnar för bildandet av ett radikalt islamiskt imperium som sträcker sig från Spanien till Indonesien". (Via Angry Arab)

8 kommentarer:

Jonas N sa...

Ser skrämmande ut!

Var skall Ali bosätta sig då tror ni?

Anonym sa...

Först tyckte jag det var en jättekul bild. Sedan kollade jag litet närmare och upptäckte då att den ju inte alls driver med Bush eller USA.

I stället för kul blev bilden skrämmande eftersom den ju är 100 procent korrekt!

Anonym sa...

Thursday, April 3, 2003 Posted: 5:02 PM EST (2202 GMT)
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Former CIA Director James Woolsey said Wednesday the United States is engaged in World War IV, and that it could continue for years.

This echoes the rhetoric of the PNAC, of which Woolsey is a supporter, and the singling out of Egypt and Saudi Arabia echoes the rhetoric of the Defense Policy Board, of which he is a member. In July 2002 (see July 10, 2002), a presentation to that board concluded, “Grand strategy for the Middle East: Iraq is the tactical pivot. Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot. Egypt the prize.”

Anonym sa...


"Either you're with us or against us!"

Svart eller vitt

USA-älskare eller USA-hatare


Påminner mig om Uni i Ira Levins "En vacker dag"...

Ali H.

Anonym sa...

Great Power Conflict over Iraqi Oil:
the World War I Era

During World War I (1914-18), strategists for all the major powers increasingly perceived oil as a key military asset, due to the adoption of oil-powered naval ships, new horseless army vehicles such as trucks and tanks, and even military airplanes. Use of oil during the war increased so rapidly that a severe shortage developed in 1917-18.

In October 1927, the British exploration team under D'Arcy hit a gusher, proving oil reserves in large quantities near Kirkuk in northern Iraq.

D´Arcy, who discovered Iraqs oil, died a poor man, while Calouste Gulbenkian, the crafty businessman who had put together the company, managed to extract a five percent personal share, making him one of the worlds richest men.(4) The people of Iraq were not consulted, nor did they derive any benefit from these arrangements.

Anonym sa...

"The people of Iraq were not consulted, nor did they derive any benefit from these arrangements.

Men dummer, äganderätten är ju moraliskt förkastlig så varför skulle man fråga Irakierna?

Anonym sa...

Från samma källa, www.mahjoob.com

Fredrik Lindholm sa...

Det är bara två inte så små fel i det resonemanget: "Björnen" och "Draken". Annars gillade jag den bilden. Den fick mig att känna mig märkvärdig.