fredag, januari 02, 2009

Gaza, uppdatering

- Israeliska Shin Beth ger nu de facto klartecken för att mörda människor på sjukhusen i Gaza.

- Cynthia McKinney, tidigare amerikansk kongressledamot, och i senaste valet presidentkandidat för det gröna partiet, skriver om sina upplevelser från den båt med mediciner och annan nödhjälp till Gaza, som israeliska marinen angrep och rammade.
When we left from Cyprus, one reporter asked me “are you afraid?” And I had to respond that Malcolm X wasn’t afraid; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t afraid. But little did I know that just a few hours later, I would be recollecting my life and mentally preparing myself for death.
- Vittorio Arrigoni skriver en ögonvittnesskildring från Gaza:
They laid the little girls out on the blackened asphalt, and they looked like broken dolls, disposed of as they were no longer usable. This wasn’t a mistake, but a voluntary, and cynical horror. We’re at a toll of 320 dead, more than a thousand wounded and, according to a doctor at Shifa, 60% of these are destined to die in the next few hours or days, after prolonged agony.There are many missing, and for the last two days despairing wives have been searching for their husbands or children in hospitals, often to no avail. The morgue is a macabre spectacle. A nurse told me that after hours of searching, a Palestinian woman recognized her husband from his amputated hand. All that’s left of her husband, and the wedding band on her finger from the eternal love they had sworn one another.


Choosing to remain silent means somehow lending support to the genocide unfolding right now. Shout out your indignation, in every capital of the “civilized” world, in every city, in every square, covering our own screams of pain and terror. A slice of humanity is dying in pitiful in a useless listening.
- Ramsey Clark, tidigare riksåklagare i USA och 2008 års vinnare av FN:s Human Rights Award, har tagit initiativ till en internationell appell som man kan underteckna: Urgent Appeal for Israel to Immediately Cease Its Murderous Bombing, Siege and Threatened Invasion of Palestinian Gaza.

- Anna Wester påminner om att Israel nu också passar på att trappa upp repressionen på Västbanken:
Den 28 december sköt israeliska militären ihjäl en 22-årig man, Arafat Khawaje i Nillin när han deltog i en demonstration mot Israels krig mot Gaza. Vid samma demonstration sköts 20-åriga Mohammed Khawaje i huvudet med skarp ammunition och förklarades hjärndöd. I går kväll dog även han.

Några blogginlägg: Motbilder, Röda Malmö, Anders Svensson.

[Olle Svenning på Aftonbladets ledarsida]

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